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3D Modeling with Tinkercad

My Familiar



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The panda and eagle are the animals I chose to combine, the sketch is hilarious, but it works to describe the state of my life currently. My former last name is "Aguilar", which means, "of the eagles". The attached symbolism to an eagle ranges from it being a symbol of strength, reaching great height, and having an eye for great attention to detail. Though, an eagle is a predator they help keep a healthy balance in nature so they symbolize balance as well. While pandas at first glance are cute, cuddly, and playful; they symbolize strength as well, but a more covert strength. Panda's symbolize tranquil strength, balance in the opposing areas of one's life, and the importance of emotions.

Since I can remember I have always been the last of my peers and siblings to accomplish milestones, I like to take my time, observe, learn from others and apply my knowledge in my own time to reach my goals. I had no idea that pandas also symbolize this calm determination to take time to reach goals until this assignment. I also learned that pandas symbolize the importance of private space and personal boundaries, which is something I have been working on diligently for the last five years. Brené Brown a researcher of shame, courage, empathy, and vulnerability says, "the more boundaries you have, the happier you will be." I wholeheartedly believe this to be true in my life. As a new mother, a fairly new wife (3 years married), I find that balancing school, work, a marriage, parenting, friends, and family are difficult. However, I have been doing it all with the attention to detail of an eagle and the tranquil strength of a panda. This assignment was difficult for me, maybe because I don’t have a mouse, and I found my fingers cramping after a while. Please enjoy my Peagle charm!

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